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A griha pravesh puja ceremony or the house warming ceremony, is a Hindu puja ceremony performed, when one enters a new home for the first time to purify the environment and protect the house from negative energies. Ita always suggested to use new pooja samagri for this ocassion.


Items in the Kit :


Turmeric powder - 100 gms 
Kumkuma powder -  100 gms 
Chandan. powder  - 1 box
Betal nuts - 50 gms 
Dry kharjura -  100 gms 

Navadhanyalu  all mixed -  1 pack / 200 gms 
Navadhnayalu  Individual - 1 pack / 200 gms

Go Panchakam  - small bottle 
Deepam oil -small bottle

Insense sticks  - 1 pack 
Camphor  - 1 pack
Blouse pieces - 2

Thread bundle white - 1
Cotton wicks Long - 1
Match box - 1

If you are looking for additional items, share the list received from priest. You can call or whats app to 614-377-9989 and we can provide them.


House warming / Gruhaprevesam Kit

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